Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Quirianale = Camorra

Monday 4 July 2011

Quirianale = Camorra


Rifiuti, il premier sta con il Colle
«Tutte le regioni diano una mano»

POLITICADopo il richiamo di Napolitano, interviene anche Berlusconi: «La Campania acceleri con la costruzione degli impianti,
più collaborazione e solidarietà a livello sovraregionale»

Die neuesten Meldungen zum Weltgeschehen: kompakt, sachlich, international
Wirbel um geplante Panzerexporte
Panzer an Saudi-Arabien: Grüne wollen Rüstungsgeschäft stoppen
Start für neuen Freiwilligendienst der Bundeswehr
Scharfe Kritik an geplanten Steuersenkungen
UN-Tribunal weist Angeklagten Mladic aus dem Saal
Tunesiens Ex-Präsident Ben Ali zu weiteren 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt
Strauss-Kahn droht auch in Frankreich Anzeige wegen Sexualtat
Kleine Fortschritte bei Klima-Verhandlungen
Wulff warnt vor Verklärung der DDR
Frankreichs Atomaufsicht billigt Weiterbetrieb von Meiler Fessenheim
Otto von Habsburg tot
Optimistische Anleger lassen Dax weiter steigen
Farrar gewinnt dritte Etappe der Tour de Fance
Das Wetter: Nur im Südwesten länger sonnig
Frauenfußball-WM in Deutschland
Wirbel um geplante Panzerexporte
Saudi-Arabien hat Interesse am Kauf deutscher Kampfpanzer. Laut einem Bericht des "Spiegel" hat die Bundesregierung Zustimmung signalisiert. Die Opposition ist mit Hinweis auf die Exportrichtlinien empört.
Video Streit um Panzer-Deal
Video Waffenkonzerne verdienen kräftig (21.02.2011)
> Deutsche Waffen: Drang ins Ausland
> SIPRI: Deutschland verdoppelt Rüstungsexport
Aktuelle Meldungen
Panzer an Saudi-Arabien: Grüne wollen Rüstungsgeschäft stoppen
Die Informationen über ein milliardenschweres Rüstungsgeschäft zwischen Deutschland und Saudi-Arabien verdichten sich. Die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters meldet unter Berufung auf saudi-arabische Sicherheitskreise, das Königreich wolle 200 Leopard-Panzer in der Bundesrepublik erwerben. 44 Fahrzeuge habe Saudi-Arabien bereits gekauft. Die Leopard-Panzer werden von Krauss-Maffei Wegmann und Rheinmetall gebaut. Nach Informationen des Magazins "Der Spiegel" hat die Bundesregierung zum ersten Mal die Lieferung schwerer Kampfpanzer in das autoritär geführte Land genehmigt. In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten seien Panzer-Lieferungen stets mit dem Hinweis auf die Gefährdung Israels abgelehnt worden. Die Grünen-Fraktion will das Rüstungsgeschäft im Bundestag noch stoppen. Aus Sicht des Parlamentarischen Geschäftsführers der Grünen, Volker Beck, handelt es sich um einen "eklatanten Verstoß gegen die Rüstungsexportrichtlinien", wonach keine Rüstungsgüter in Krisengebiete exportiert werden dürften.
Start für neuen Freiwilligendienst der Bundeswehr
Nach dem Ende der Wehrpflicht mit dem 1. Juli haben an diesem Montag bundesweit die ersten 3.400 Männer und Frauen ihre Dienstzeit im neu geschaffenen Freiwilligendienst der Bundeswehr aufgenommen. Verteidigungsminister Thomas de Maizière begrüßte in Berlin symbolisch einige der neuen Rekruten. Die deutschen Streitkräfte sind seit dem 1. Juli eine Freiwilligenarmee. Damit folgt Deutschland den meisten anderen NATO-Staaten nach, die auf Berufsarmeen setzen. Die Wehrpflicht für junge Männer wurde nach 55 Jahren ausgesetzt, bleibt allerdings im Grundgesetz verankert. Der neue freiwillige Wehrdienst dauert bis zu 23 Monate. Insgesamt gehören der Bundeswehr jetzt fast 14.000 freiwillig Wehrdienstleistende an, die meisten der jungen Soldaten verlängerten alte Dienstverträge.
Scharfe Kritik an geplanten Steuersenkungen
Die von der schwarz-gelben Regierungskoalition angepeilten Steuersenkungen zum 1. Januar 2013 haben eine lebhafte politische Debatte ausgelöst. Opposition und Gewerkschaften verurteilen die Pläne als unverantwortlich, die Bundesländer kündigen Widerstand an und selbst aus der Wirtschaft kommt Kritik. Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble soll die Koalitionsabsprache bereits relativiert und konkrete Sparvorschläge im Etat gefordert haben. Damit sieht der CDU-Politiker auch die Sozialdemokraten hinter sich. SPD-Generalsekretärin Andrea Nahles sagte, "Steuersenkungen auf Pump" werde ihre Partei nicht unterstützen. Auf die scharfe Kritik auch aus den unionsgeführten Bundesländern reagiert die Bundesregierung gelassen. Eine Entscheidung über die Größenordnung und andere Details der Steuersenkungen falle erst im Herbst. Dann ließe sich auch "der Sinn und Zweck dieser Maßnahme" den Länderchefs vermitteln, sagte Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert.
UN-Tribunal weist Angeklagten Mladic aus dem Saal
Der frühere Militärchef der bosnischen Serben, Ratko Mladic, ist kurz nach Beginn einer Sitzung vor dem UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunal des Saales verwiesen worden. Mladic hatte das Verlesen der Anklage mehrfach gestört. Der Richter plädierte später in Abwesenheit Mladics stellvertretend auf nicht schuldig. Dem 69-Jährigen werden Völkermord und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit während des Bosnien-Krieges von 1992 bis 1995 vorgeworfen. Die Anklage umfasst elf Punkte, neben dem Massaker von Srebrenica gehört dazu auch die Blockade Sarajevos, bei der etwa 12.000 Menschen getötet wurden. Bei der Vorlage der Anklageschrift Anfang Juni hatte der Berufssoldat die Vorwürfe als "abscheulich" und "monströs" bezeichnet. Mladic war im Mai nach 16 Jahren auf der Flucht gefasst worden.
Tunesiens Ex-Präsident Ben Ali zu weiteren 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt
Ein tunesisches Gericht hat den gestürzten Staatschef Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali wegen illegalen Waffenbesitzes und Drogenhandels zu 15 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Der Prozess in der Hauptstadt Tunis fand wie ein erstes Verfahren im Juni in Abwesenheit des Angeklagten statt, der nach seinem Sturz nach Saudi-Arabien emigriert ist. Nach der Ablehnung eines Vertagungsantrages durch die Richter hatten die Verteidiger des Ex-Präsidenten kurz vor der Urteilsverkündung ihr Mandat niedergelegt. - In dem ersten Verfahren waren Ben Ali und seine Frau wegen Veruntreuung von Staatsvermögen zu 35 Jahren Haft und einer Geldstrafe von 45 Millionen Euro verurteilt worden.
Strauss-Kahn droht auch in Frankreich Anzeige wegen Sexualtat
Dem Ex-Chef des Internationalen Währungsfonds, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, droht nun auch in Frankreich ein Strafverfahren wegen versuchter Vergewaltigung. Die Autorin Tristane Banon werde am Dienstag Anzeige gegen den sozialistischen Politiker erstatten, teilte ihr Anwalt mit. Banon wirft Strauss-Kahn vor, sie 2002 sexuell bedrängt zu haben. Die damals 22-Jährige hatte auf Anraten ihrer Mutter, einer sozialistischen Kommunalpolitikerin, auf eine Anzeige gegen den Freund der Familie verzichtet. Im Fernsehen erklärte Banon, dass sie heute diese Entscheidung bedauere. Strauss-Kahn wird in den USA die versuchte Vergewaltigung einer Hotelangestellten vorgeworfen. Weil die Staatsanwaltschaft inzwischen jedoch erhebliche Zweifel an der Glaubwürdigkeit der Hauptbelastungszeugin hat, könnte die Anklage in sich zusammenbrechen. Am Freitag hob ein Gericht in New York den Hausarrest gegen Strauss-Kahn auf.
Kleine Fortschritte bei Klima-Verhandlungen
Auf dem Weg zu einem globalen Klimaschutzabkommen sieht Bundesumweltminister Norbert Röttgen kleine Fortschritte. Ein rascher Durchbruch sei aber nicht in Sicht, es bleibe "noch eine Menge Arbeit", sagte der CDU-Politiker zum Ende des "Petersberger Klimadialogs". Auf der zweitägigen informellen Sitzung in Berlin sollte die Weltklimakonferenz im südafrikanischen Durban Ende November vorbereitet werden. Hochrangige Vertreter aus 35 Staaten nahmen daran teil. Zu den erreichten Fortschritten zählte Röttgen die rasche Umsetzung von Maßnahmen, die beim letzten Klimagipfel Ende 2010 in Cancún beschlossen worden waren. Dazu gehört die Einrichtung eines 100 Milliarden Dollar-Fonds für vom Klimawandel besonders betroffene Staaten.  - Während die Klimaschutzdiplomatie nur schleppend vorankommt, stiegen laut Internationaler Energieagentur die CO2-Emissionen 2010 auf ein Rekordhoch. Die größten Klimasünder USA und China wollen sich bisher nicht auf rechtsverbindliche CO2-Minderungsziele verpflichten lassen.
Wulff warnt vor Verklärung der DDR
Bundespräsident Christian Wulff hat sich gegen eine Verharmlosung der SED-Diktatur gewandt. Bei Schwärmereien über soziale Errungenschaften der DDR reiche der Hinweis auf die diktatorischen Mittel und die fehlende Tragfähigkeit nicht aus, sagte Wulff in Berlin. Er rief gerade junge Menschen auf, sich mehr aus dem Alltag der DDR und den "dunklen Seiten" wie Unfreiheit und Gängelung erzählen zu lassen. Gemeinsam mit der Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur eröffnete der Bundespräsident eine Veranstaltungsreihe unter dem Titel "Vergangenheit erinnern - Demokratie gestalten". Zeitzeugen und Experten der SED-Geschichte werden dabei unter anderem mit Studenten über die DDR sprechen.
Frankreichs Atomaufsicht billigt Weiterbetrieb von Meiler Fessenheim
Trotz massiver Proteste hat die französische Behörde für Atomaufsicht eine Laufzeitverlängerung für das Kernkraftwerk Fessenheim im Elsass empfohlen. Der Betrieb des Reaktorblocks 1 sei für weitere zehn Jahre möglich. Die Behörde verband ihre Zustimmung jedoch mit der Auflage, dass Fessenheim technisch nachgebessert wird. So müsse die Betonplatte unter dem Reaktorbehälter verstärkt und ein besserer Schutz gegen einen Stromausfall der Kühlsysteme geschaffen werden. Die endgültige Entscheidung liegt nun bei der Regierung in Paris. Block 1 des nahe der deutschen Grenze gelegenen Atommeilers wurde 1977 in Betrieb genommen und ist damit der älteste Druckwasserreaktor in Frankreich. Für den ein Jahr jüngeren Block 2 strebt der Stromkonzern EDF ebenfalls eine Laufzeitverlängerung um zehn Jahre an. Atomkraftgegner auf beiden Seiten des Rheins fordern seit Jahren die Stillegung des Meilers, weil er als besonders störanfällig gilt.
Otto von Habsburg tot
Otto von Habsburg, der älteste Sohn des letzten Kaisers von Österreich und Königs von Ungarn, ist im Alter von 98 Jahren in seinem Haus am Starnberger See gestorben. Von Habsburg war jahrzehntelang in der Europapolitik aktiv. Er war lange Jahre Abgeordneter der CSU im Europäischen Parlament und Ehrenpräsident der Internationalen Paneuropa-Union. Seit dem Zusammenbruch der Habsburger-Monarchie im Jahr 1919 lebte er mit seiner Familie im Exil. Der bayerische Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer würdigte den Verstorbenen als überzeugten Europäer der allerersten Stunde.
Optimistische Anleger lassen Dax weiter steigen
ZUR BÖRSE: Der deutsche Aktienmarkt ist mit einem leichten Plus in die Woche gestartet. Den anhaltenden Optimismus der Anleger konnte auch eine kritische Bewertung griechischer Staatsanleihen durch die Ratingagentur Standard & Poor's nur wenig trüben. So stieg der Aktienindex DAX um 0,3 Prozent auf 7.443 Punkte.
Farrar gewinnt dritte Etappe der Tour de Fance
Zum Sport: Der US-amerikanische Radprofi Tyler Farrar hat die 3. Etappe der Tour de France gewonnen. Der 27-Jährige setzte sich beim ersten Massensprint vor dem Franzosen Romain Feillu durch. Dritter wurde auf der 198 Kilometer langen Etappe von Olonne-sur-Mer nach Redon der Spanier José Joaquin Rojas. Der Norweger Thor Hushovd bleibt im Gelben Trikot Führer des Gesamtklassements.
Das Wetter: Nur im Südwesten länger sonnig
DAS WETTER IN DEUTSCHLAND: In der Nordosthälfte bewölkt, gebietsweise Regen, teilweise Gewitter. Sonst wechselnd bewölkt und meist trocken, im Südwesten länger sonnig. Die Höchstwerte liegen zwischen 16 Grad im Erzgebirge und bis zu 27 Grad am Oberrhein.
Die weiteren Aussichten: Am Dienstag wieder mehr Sonne, vor allem im Westen und Südwesten. Im Osten einzelne Schauer. Die Maximaltemperaturen erreichen Werte von 18 bis 28 Grad.
Alle aktuellen Nachrichten auf DW-WORLD.DE
Frauenfußball-WM in Deutschland
Reportagen, Hintergrundberichte, Portraits, Ergebnisse und vieles mehr rund um die Frauenfußball-WM in Deutschland. Mit ein wenig Glück und Einsatz haben Sie die Chance auf Trikots der deutschen Nationalmannschaft!

Tonight on NBC Nightly News

There is outrage in Montana on this Independence day, after a break in an Exxon Mobil pipeline contaminates the wild and scenic Yellowstone River with tens of thousands of gallons of oil. NBC’s George Lewis has the latest on the cleanup and the competing claims over the extent of the damage.
NBC’s Lee Cowan is following the search-and-rescue operation underway after a fishing boat carrying at least 27 Americans capsized in a storm off the coast of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula; Kerry Sanders is in Florida where the Casey Anthony murder trial has now gone to the jury; Kristen Welker reports on the Presidential candidates who are off and running this July 4th holiday; Atia Abbawi speaks with General David Petraeus, the outgoing U.S. Commander in Afghanistan who is marking his last Fourth of July in uniform; Tom Costello has an exclusive look at a new flying telescope that is giving NASA an exciting new look billions of years back in time; Ian Williams reports from Japan on some Americans who are Making A Difference for survivors in the tsunami disaster zone; and Kate Snow has the story of two military families finding a new beginning this July 4th, after the most painful kind of loss.

Ruiz Guiñazú: "A la gente le interesan las pequeñas historias"
La periodista indaga en figuras destacadas como Roberto Arlt, Carrillo y Torre Nilson
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Hallan un tesoro en un templo de la India
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La masacre de los padres palotinos
Mariano De Vedia
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Pide el Papa "abandonar la violencia"
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Agenda cultural
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Culto católico
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Tristane Banon annuncia: denuncio Strauss-Kahn per  tentato stupro
     «Tentato stupro» Nuovi guai
per Strauss-Kahn

ESTERILa francese Banon denuncia un «assalto» nel 2002. L'ex capo Fmi: calunnie Foto


Brasile, assolda un killer per suicidarsi
     Brasile, assolda
un killer
per suicidarsi

ESTERIAvvocatessa di 35 anni, era depressa per un recente divorzio di Rocco Cotroneo

Más sospechas en el caso Strauss-Kahn
Surgen nuevos interrogantes sobre la supuesta víctima; afirman que se enfureció cuando no pudo cobrar por prestarle servicios sexuales
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Un justicia canibalizada, un hombre linchado
Bernard-Henri LevyCorriere Della Sera
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La historia del predador y la fabuladora
Maureen DowdThe New York Times
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Advierte la UE: Grecia perderá soberanía
Tras liberar US$ 17.000 millones del anterior rescate, Bruselas le recordó a Atenas que habrá una estricta vigilancia del ajuste
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El príncipe Carlos, en la mira por sus lobbies
Afirman que interfiere en asuntos políticos
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"Chávez será el candidato en 2012", afirmó su vice
Elías Jaua dijo ayer que el presidente se está recuperando; difundieron un nuevo video
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Latest News Jul 4, 2011
Britain to Pull Some Troops From Afghanistan
British newspapers say Prime Minister David Cameron this week will announce the withdrawal of at least 500 troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2012. ...
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Libyan Rebels Reject African Union Peace Plan
Libyan rebels are rejecting an African Union peace plan because it does not demand the immediate resignation of Moammar Gadhafi. The African Union wants a multi-national peacekeeping force for Libya. ...
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Turkey Recognizes Libyan Rebels, Offers Another $200 Million in Aid
Rebels fighting to end the 42-year rule of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi have received a diplomatic boost by winning recognition from regional power Turkey. ...
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Israel's Week in Business & Technology

for week ended July 1

The week's top storiesContents
Licensees confirm 6.5 TCF gas at Myra and Sarah
New home sales up 4% in May
Fischer keeps July interest rate unchanged
As reported by "Globes": Fundtech sold at $300m valuation
El Al confirms "Globes" report on talks with Israir
Makhteshim signs $960m ChemChina loan agreement
Start-ups and VC
Information technology
Telecom and media
Real estate
Capital markets
Features and analysis

Start-ups and VC
4 Israeli start-ups in Red Herring Top 100 North America list
The four companies are Digital Trowel, Fiberzone Networks, Sepaton, and Vidyo.
Anti-frustration software co Soluto raises $10.5m
Sewage bioenergy co Emefcy raises $4m
Video-surveillance co DVtel secures $12.5m loan
Cloud computing co Gizmox raises $2.5m, teams with Citrix
Jeff Pulver sets up $2-3m Israel early-stage VC fund

Teva and CEL-SCI launch Israel cancer treatment trial
Tel Aviv's Sourasky Medical Center is Israel's first site for the Phase III clinical trial of Multikine for treating head and neck tumors.
Teva enters Israeli infant formula market
Brainsway reports success in diabetic pain and aphasia trials
BiolineRX licenses irritated bowel syndrome drug
CollPlant reports success in first stage of Pfizer collaboration

Information technology
As reported by "Globes": Fundtech sold at $300m valuation
The financial software company will merge with Atlanta-based S1. begins mass layoffs
Gilat wins Spain's Hispasat contract

Telecom and media
OECD: Israel fourth most expensive for cell calls
A 300-minute monthly package costs about $103 in Israel, and less than $20 in the UK.
Drahi to pay NIS 650m for Yediot's HOT shares
Nochi Dankner looking to sell 5% of Cellcom

Real estate
New home sales up 4% in May
Demand for new homes rose 6.4% to 3,162 homes in May from 2,971 homes in April.
AFI Europe to sell Prague mall stake for €22m
Mishkan Homebuyers index falls further in May
Contractor sees prices, and buildings, collapsing

Licensees confirm 6.5 TCF gas at Myra and Sarah
There is also an 18% chance that the two fields, northwest of Netanya, contain more than 150 million barrels of oil.
Myra and Sarah licensees' share prices plunge
Noble Energy begins Leviathan 3 drilling
Nimrodi: We'll begin drilling in Jan-Feb 2012
Steinitz: Myra and Sarah will lower gas prices
Barclays, Deutsche Bank greet new gas find
Electricity prices may rise by 20%
Azrieli unit to buy NIS 1b of electricity from Israel Corp
IEC buys Korean critical systems without tender

58% of cottage cheese eaters reduced consumption
The figure indicates that the boycott was successful. 37% blame the government for the rise in dairy product prices.
Dairy boycott expands following price cuts

US State Dept. slams Israel over human trafficking
The State Department report takes Israel to task for not complying with minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.
Agrexco requests stay of proceedings

Netanyahu opts for Dead Sea salt harvesting
The prime minister wants a final plan for financing the plan within three weeks, preferably in agreement with Dead Sea Works.

Capital markets
June mutual funds withdrawals highest since 2008 crisis
NIS 2 billion was withdrawn from mutual funds last week, bringing total withdrawals in the first three weeks of the month to NIS 4.9 billion.
El Al confirms "Globes" report on talks with Israir
Makhteshim Agan to loan ChemChina $960m for acquisition
Makhteshim sale deadline to ChemChina extended
McKinsey advised Tnuva to raise prices
Hapoalim to distribute NIS 270m dividend
Prescott Fund wants to take over BluePhoenix - to sell

Fischer keeps July interest rate unchanged
In explaining its decision, the Bank of Israel said it expected the pace of home price rises to slow in the coming year.
Fischer anxious about high gov't spending
Israel leads in regressive taxation

Features and analysis
"Security is delaying computer innovation"
HP CEO Leo Apotheker told the President's Conference in Jerusalem that the need for security is preventing an entirely connected digital world.
PayPal's Mark Lavelle: Israeli start ups think globally
"If it makes sense to invest money in some of them - we will do so."
"We've not sold out, but found a partner"
Fundtech CEO Reuven Ben-Menachem told "Globes" that together with S1, he is building a great company.
VAT cut won't necessarily benefit consumers
There is a feeling that, ultimately, the consumer will not feel any lower price.
Who will buy Myra and Sarah's gas?
Delek and Noble Energy have locked up the Israeli market for decades with Yam Tethys, Tamar, and Leviathan.
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals: a short story
Those shorting a small, thriving biotech company called Spectrum Pharmaceuticals face an unhappy ending.
Gas export pipeline will be hard to protect
Former Noble Energy advisor Abraham Sofaer recommends the construction of floating LNG facilities.
McKinsey's hypocrisy over cheese prices
McKinsey's managing director Dominic Barton preaches commendable social values.


Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

TASE logoMon: Israel Corp. leads losses
Sarah and Myra licensees ILDC Energy and Modiin continued to fall for the third straight day.


Israeli real estate taxes among world's lowest
Accounting firm Baker Tilly finds that Israelis pay less taxes on real estate deals compared with other countries.


Zisser on brink of $250m exit in India
Motti Zisser's Elbit Imaging is negotiating a deal to sell its Chennai project in stages.

Tnuva, Strauss control 82-99% of dairy market - report

Amos 5 satellite launch delayed

Pipeline blast cuts off gas supply from Egypt

Treasury refuses to bail out Agrexco

Shekel gains


Demand for high-tech workers soars
Demand rose by 25% in the first half of 2011, compared with the first half of 2010.


Amos 5 satellite launch delayed
Spacecom has reported that a fault will mean a postponement of the launch, scheduled for this year.

The Powers of Manipulation: 
Islam as a Geopolitical Tool 
to Control the Middle East

Global Research, July 2, 2011

As Washington and its cohorts march towards the Eurasian Heartland, they have tried to manipulate Islam as a geo-political tool. They have created political and social chaos in the process. Along the way they have tried to redefine Islam and to subordinate it to the interests of global capital by ushering in a new generation of so-called Islamists, chiefly amongst the Arabs. 

The Project to Redefine Islam: Turkey as the New Model and
“Calvinist Islam”
Turkey in its present form is now being presented as the democratic model for the rebelling Arab masses to follow. It is true that Ankara has progressed since the days it used to ban Kurdish from being spoken in public, but Turkey is not a functional democracy and is very much a kleptocracy with fascist tendencies.

The military still plays a huge role in the affairs of the state and government. The term “deep state,” which denotes a state run secretly from the top-down by unaccountable bodies and individuals, in fact originates from Turkey. Civil rights are still not respected in Turkey and candidates for public office have to be approved by the state apparatus and the groups controlling them, which try to filter out anyone that would go against the status quo in Turkey.

Turkey is not being presented as a model for the Arabs due to its democratic qualifications. It is being presented as the political model for the Arabs, because of a project of political and socio-economic “bida” (innovation) involving the manipulation of Islam.

Although very popular, the Turkish Justice and Development Party or JDP (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi or AKP) was allowed to come into power in 2002, without opposition by the Turkish military and the Turkish courts. Before this there was little tolerance for political Islam in Turkey. The JDP/AKP was founded in 2001 and the timing of their founding and their electoral win in 2002 was also tied to the objective of redrawing Southwest Asia and North Africa.

This project to manipulate and redefine Islam seeks to subordinate Islam to dominant World Order capitalist interests through a new wave of "political Islamism", such as the JDP/AKP. A new strand of Islam is thereby being fashioned through what has come to be called “Calvinist Islam” or a “Muslim version of the Protestant work ethic.” It is this model that is been nurtured in Turkey and now being presented to Egypt and the Arabs by Washington and Brussels.

This “Calvinist Islam” also has no problem with the “reba” or interest system, which is prohibited under Islam. It is this system that is used to enslave individuals and societies with the chains of debt to global capitalism. It is in this context that the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is calling for so-called “democratic reforms” in the Arab World.

The ruling families of Sauda Arabia and the Arab petro-sheikhdoms are also partners in the enslavement of the Arab world through debt. In this regard Qatar and the Arab sheikhdoms of the Persian Gulf are in the process of creating a Middle East Development Bank that is intended to give loans to Arab countries to support their "transition towards democracy". The democracy promotion mission of the Middle East Development Bank is ironic because the countries forming it are all staunch dictatorships.

It is also this subordination of Islam to global capitalism that is causing internal friction in Iran.

Opening the Door for a New Generation of Islamists
The hope in Washington is that this “Calvinist Islam” will take root with a new generation of Islamists under the banner of new democratic states. These governments will effectively enslave their countries by placing them further into debt and selling national assets. They will help subvert the region extending from North Africa to Southwest and Central Asia as the area is being balkanized and restructured in the image of Israel under ethnocratic systems.

Tel Aviv will also wield wide influence amongst these new states. Hand-in-hand with this project, different forms of ethno-linguistic nationalism and religious intolerance are also being promoted to divide the region. Turkey also plays an important, because it is one of the cradle for this new generation of Islamists. Saudi Arabia too plays a role in supporting the militant wing of these Islamists.
Washington's Restructuring of the Geo-Strategic Chessboard
Targeting Iran and Syria is part of the larger strategy of controlling Eurasia. Chinese interests have been attacked everywhere on the global map. Sudan has been balkanized and both North Sudan and South Sudan are headed towards conflict. Libya has been attacked and is in the process of being balkanized. Syria is being pressured to surrender and fall into line. The U.S. and Britain are now integrating their national security councils, which parallels Anglo-American bodies from the Second World War.

Targeting Pakistan is also connected to neutralizing Iran and attacking Chinese interests and any future unity in Eurasia. In this regard, the U.S. and NATO have militarized the waters around Yemen. At the same time in Eastern Europe, the U.S. is building its fortifications in Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania to neutralize Russia and the former Soviet republics. Belarus and Ukraine are being put under increasing pressure too. All these steps are part of a military strategy to encircle Eurasia and to either control its energy supplies or the flow of energy towards China. Even Cuba and Venezuela are under increasing threat. The military noose is globally being tightened by Washington.

It appears that new Islamist parties are being formed and groomed by the Al-Sauds with the help of Turkey to take power in Arab capitals. Such governments will work to subordinate their respective states. The Pentagon, NATO, and Israel may even select some of these new governments to justify new wars.

It has to be mentioned that Norman Podhoretz, a original member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), in 2008 suggest an apocalyptic future scenario in which Israel launches a nuclear war against Iran, Syria, and Egypt amongst its other neighbouring countries. This would include Lebanon and Jordan. Podhoretz described an expansionist Israel and even suggested that the Israelis would militarily occupy the oil fields of the Persian Gulf.

What came across as odd in 2008 was the suggestion by Podhoretz, which was influenced by the strategic analysis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), that Tel Aviv would launch a nuclear attack on its staunch Egyptian allies ruling Cairo under President Mubarak. Despite the fact that the old regime still remains, Mubarak is no longer in power in Cairo. The Egyptian military still gives orders, but Islamists may come to power. This is occuring despite the fact that Islam continues to be demonized by the U.S. and most of its NATO allies.

Unknown Future: What Next?

The U.S., the E.U., and Israel are trying to use the upheavals in the Turko-Arabo-Iranic World to further their own objectives including the war on Libya and the support of an Islamic insurrection in Syria. Along with the Al-Sauds, they are attempting to spread “fitna” or division amongst the peoples of Southwest Asia and North Africa. The Israeli-Khaliji strategic alliance, formed by Tel Aviv and the ruling Arab families in the Persian Gulf, is crucial in this regard.

In Egypt the social upheaval is far from over and the people are become more radical. This is resulting in concessions by the military junta in Cairo. The protest movement is now starting to address the role of Israel and its relationship to the military junta.  In Tunisia too, the popular stream is headed towards radicalization.

Washington and its cohorts are playing with fire. They may think that this period of chaos presents an excellent opportunity for confrontation with Iran and Syria. The upheaval that has taken root in the Turko-Arabo-Iranic World will have unpredictable results. The resilience of the peoples in Bahrain and Yemen under the threats of increased state-sponsored violence indicates the articulation of more cohesive anti-US and Anti-Zionist protest movement.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya specializes in the Middle East and Central Asia. He is a Research Associate of the the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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Today`s Email Stories:
Holland Snubs PA Statehood Plan
Flotilla Activists Reject Aid
Iran Ridicules July 4th
Arab MK: Punish ‘Nakba Deniers’
Enid Wurtman in Need of Lifeline
China's Ideological Triad
Hamas Hints at More Kidnappings
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Jewish Agency's Ambitious Plan
'We Did Not Attack Ne'eman'
Muslim B'hood Willing to Talk
PA: Salaries to go Unpaid
Bedouins Break Jew’s Leg

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Talk: Media Terrorists
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1. Bnei Akiva Enter ‘Pollard Prison’ in Jerusalem on July 4th
by Gil Ronen Bnei Akiva Enter ‘Pollard Jail’

Fifty Bnei Akiva youths donned U.S. prison garb and entered a jail-like environment Monday, the Fourth of July. 

The “Pollard Jail” is a summer camp for Bnei Akiva from Israel’s southern district. Dozens of youths and instructors will loosely simulate the daily routine of jail life for ten days, in identification with Jonathan Pollard and in protest of his continued incarceration.


The youths will spend much of the next ten days inside the “jail,” while their instructors play the roles of guards. The “Pollard Jail” was created at the Bnei Akiva branch at Emek HaMatzleva in Jerusalem.


Also on Monday, Bnei Akiva and Meretz Youth will demonstrate together in front of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem. 


The instructor-"jailors" will wake up the “prisoners” in the morning and send them to their morning work – getting Jerusalemites to sign a petition for Pollard. They will also group at Gan HaAtzmaut and receive lessons from rabbis and public officials including Rav Shmuel Eliyahu and MK Uri Ariel.

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2. Holland Puts Hole in PA Statehood Plans
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Holland Snubs PA Statehood Plan

Holland has thrown cold water on the Palestinian Authority’s revived plan to seek statehood through the United Nations. “It will not be supported by the Netherlands," Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal, told reporters at a press conference after a meeting between him, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Abbas, while ostensibly seeking statehood through negotiations with Israel, began globetrotting immediately after he succeeded Yasser Arafat six years ago and has gained support for recognition of the PA as a country based on all of its demands, without compromise or talks with Israel.

He has approximately a dozen Latin American countries in his pocket, along with Muslim countries, but his expectations of European Union support are proving to be exaggerated.

Holland’s rejection follows the refusal of France, a constant supporter of the Palestinian Authority, to categorically support Abbas’ effort. French officials have held out nothing more than the possibility of backing a vote for the PA in the United Nations in September.

The European Union countries that might be prepared to back Abbas are Sweden, Spain and a handful of other nations, but it is far from certain that they will buck the official EU policy of seeking the resumption of “negotiations” between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.

Abbas has used the term to mean sitting down with officials in the Netanyahu government on condition that they accept his demands for borders based on the temporary 1949 Armistice Lines, a freeze on all building for Jews in Judea and Samaria as well as areas in Jerusalem claimed by the PA, and the immigration of several million foreign Arabs into Israel.

He also has rejected Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s demand that the PA recognize Israel as Jewish state, a definition that would contradict the proposed Arab immigration, which would eliminate a Jewish majority in Israel.

Despite the Dutch rejection of Abbas’ plan for U.N. recognition, Holland’s legislators welcomed him warmly – except for the small Reformed Political party and Geert Wilder’s Freedom party, both of which boycotted him.

Several legislators who participated in a discussion with Abbas criticized him. “Abbas avoided answering my questions about Palestinian terrorism. I think he’s a typical Arab leader who can have two faces, who can be very friendly to the west, and to the Arab world can be very militant,” said. Joel Voordewind, a parliamentarian from the Christian Union party.

On the other hand,  Labor legislator Frans Timmermans, stated, "I think he’s been very clear on all these issues, and I’m really getting sick and tired of this increasing level of propaganda with these nonsense stories about what Abbas said, or did, or didn’t do or didn’t say."

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3. Flotilla Activists Reject Greek Offer to Bring Aid for Gaza
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Flotilla Activists Reject Aid

Pro-Hamas flotilla activists exposed their political agenda Monday by rejecting a Greek offer to guarantee the shipping of aid to Gaza, under United Nations supervision, through Israeli ports.

Israel has maintained that the aim of the flotilla supporters is to cause a conflict and not to bring aid, which can be shipped through overland routes.

The IDF reported Monday that flotilla organizers “trained boat passengers on how to defiantly rebuff Israel Navy attempts to peacefully board the boats.” It added that the flotilla was estimated to contain only 3,000 tons of goods and materials, half the daily amount that is transferred to Gaza every day through Israeli-supervised land crossings.

The government has clamped a maritime embargo on Hamas-controlled Gaza to prevent the entry of weapons, explosives and terrorists.

The flotilla effort so far has failed following the refusal of Greece to allow the boats to leave its ports for Gaza, an action that can be challenged as illegal because most of the Western world classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said that besides ensuring the flotilla aid would reach Gaza, his government might send additional aid. The flotilla organizers turned down the Greek offer while still looking for ways to get around the Greek blockade on their ships. The Greek Coast Guard Sunday arrested an American captain who tried to break the prohibition. He faces felony charges in a Greek court on Tuesday. The United States has warned Americans they face arrest for trying to aid the Hamas terrorist organization.

The American delegation, which includes a sizeable number of Jews, said they would stage a hunger strike in an effort to convince the Obama administration to change its position.

A flotilla last year ended in a violent clash with Israeli Navy commandos after they were brutally attacked by flotilla passengers who were members of the Turkish IHH terror-linked Muslim ”charity” organization.

Documented films from the clash have helped turned the usual anti-Israel tide of public opinion, and the European Union and the United Nations have urged flotilla activists to send their aid through Israeli and crossings without trying to break the maritime embargo.

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4. Iran Ridicules July 4th: America is Not Independent
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Iran Ridicules July 4th

Iran ”celebrates” Independence Day in the United States by saying the US has lost independence to foreign creditors and, of course, Israel.

PRESS TV, totally funded by the Islamic Republic and a mouthpiece for the Islamic regime, told its readers, “America is no longer the land of the free. It is now ruled by oligarchs and corporatists. And it is no longer governed by the rule of law. The rich, the powerful and the politically connected abide by their own, very different, set of laws.” 

Choosing choice quotes from various websites, PRESS TV took a sentence from the Miami Herald that stated, “This year, as the nation celebrates Independence Day, the sputtering U.S. economy offers a stark reminder that today the U.S. is more dependent upon foreigners than ever before."  

"The United States needs them to finance its debt: China and Japan together hold more than $2 trillion of U.S. Treasury bonds. It needs them to supply much of the oil that's critical to U.S. economy.”

American-Israeli ties were cited by the Iranians as more evidence that the United States no longer is independent, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was noted for its “stranglehold on Congress.”

The left-wing site was sourced as writing that Israel "conducts the most aggressive espionage operations against the U.S. of any ally," with the quote attributed to the U.S. General Accounting Office.

“AIPAC lobbyists with their Christian Zionist allies guarantee billions of dollars in military aid for Israel each year,” PRESS TV added, this time quoting AlterNet.

Former Iowa Congressman Paul Findley, who often railed against Israel, also was given a prominent place in the government-funded website for his comment, “There is an open secret in Washington. I learned it well during my 22-year tenure as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. All members swear to serve the interests of the United States, but there is an unwritten and overwhelming exception: The interests of one small foreign country almost always trump U.S. interests. That nation of course is Israel.”

PRESS TV also charged that recent acts by Congress, such as the Patriot Act in 2001 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments Act in 2008, violate Americans' rights. It also asserted that the U.S. President Barack Obama violated the U.S. constitution by authorizing military attacks in Libya even though there is no “actual or imminent threat to the nation." 

The government-funded website also noted, “For the past few centuries, the Fourth of July has been celebrated with fireworks, parades, picnics, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, concerts, baseball games, political speeches and ceremonies.”

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5. Arab MK Wants Punishment to ‘Nakba Deniers’
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Arab MK: Punish ‘Nakba Deniers’

Arab MK Ahmed Tibi tries to introduce a bill that would deny funds to anyone refusing to recognize that Israel’s independence was a “catastrophe” (Nakba) for Arabs. The Knesset blocked his initiative.

In another attempt to adopt and re-arrange  Biblical and Jewish events and phrases, MK Tibi said his attempt for a ”Nakba denial” bill is his answer to a pending bill that would bar government funds to groups eulogizing Yom HaAtzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, as a “catastrophe” to Arabs. 

The declaration of independence for Israel grants Arabs and Jews equal rights, but Tibi and a growing number of Israeli Arabs  argue that the re-establishment of Israel as a Jewish state should be remembered as a “tragedy” that caused “pain and suffering” to Arabs.

He said he wants to deny funds to organizations that not only deny the “Nakba" as a catastrophe but who also “prevent the Palestinian and Arab people from feeling they have equal rights.”

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin and his aides blocked Tibi from introducing the bill, a move which he said might be challenged in the High Court. The Knesset can prevent legislators from introducing private bills if they are racist or if they negate Israel as a Jewish state.

Likud MK Danny Danon argued that Tibi’s bill “negates the very establishment of the State of Israel.”

MK Tibi’s “Nakba denial” expression is borrowed from "Holocaust denial,” which has been ruled illegal in Germany and elsewhere. Another Arab play on Israeli terms is the “right of return,” which is similar to Israel's "Law of Return" that guarantees Jews all over the world the right to reside in Israel as citizens.

The Arab world has turned around the same expression to demand the immigration to Israel of several million foreign Arabs, whose parents, grandparents and great-grandparents fled the country during the War for Independence in 1948. A majority of the Arabs left at the behest of Arab leaders, who promised them they would return quickly following the expected swift annihilation of the fledgling Jewish state.

Arab Muslim clerics also have changed several Biblical concepts, such as calling the Binding of Isaac (Yitzchak) the Binding of Ishmael. They also have claimed that several ancient Jewish sites, such as Rachel's Tomb at the entrance to and the Temple Mont, actually are Muslim holy places, although Islam was not founded until only 1,400 years ago.

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6. Enid Wurtman: Pillar of Strength in Need of Lifelife
by Chana Ya'ar Enid Wurtman in Need of Lifeline

In Jerusalem lives a woman who inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of former Soviet refuseniks to stay strong, stay alive, and to finally make aliyah to Israel. But social worker Enid Wurtman, today 68 years old, now finds herself in need of a lifeline as well.

Wurtman, originally from Philadelphia, made aliyah in 1977 with her husband and children after years of exhorting others to do so.

Once here, she was tireless in making sure that those who arrived were provided for. Many came too late in life to resume their careers. Poverty-stricken, they were unable to find jobs and unable obtain any income, and their pensions were too small to sustain them. Wurtman raised money and made sure they survived.

“No one spent more energy in Israel to help former refuseniks than Enid,” observed one of her oldest friends, former refusenik Natan Sharansky, today head of the Jewish Agency.

Josef Mendelevitz, former Prisoner of Zion, made Arutz Sheva aware of the situation.

But today, she herself is in desperate need of the kind of help only other human beings can give; Wurtman's kidneys failed last year, and doctors say she needs a transplant.

Given the current waiting list, she might have to be patient for at least eight years, but her medical condition won't allow it.

Wurtman needs a kidney now, doctors say.

Filmmaker Laura Bialis, who made the documentary “Refusenik,” was also helped by Wurtman. One of her closest friends, Bialis noted in an appeal she wrote that every time she came to visit after Wurtman's first serious battle with kidney failure, “different people were there... she has touched so many lives – hundreds of people must have come to visit, and some of them came day after day. We were all shocked and saddened that our pillar of support, this amazing, unstoppable force of nature was in such a serious condition.”

Readers who have information on potential kidney donors or would like to inquire about helping Enid Wurtman are asked to please contact .

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7. Jiang Ze Min Absent But His "Three Represent" Goes Marching On
by Amiel Ungar China's Ideological Triad

Hu Jintao's address celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party is a turgid document It is rendered further opaque by the need to balance between various currents within the party.

On the one hand we have those who would like to stage an ideological revival and restore some of the fervor of the Maoist era. They are balanced by those who feel that perhaps Mao's lunacies, such as the Cultural Revolution (1965-1969), need to be addressed openly and not obliquely as appeared in Hu's address:

We made mistakes and even suffered severe setbacks in some historical periods, and their root cause was that the guiding principles of the Party at the time were divorced from the real conditions in China. It was only by restoring and upholding the line of seeking truth from facts that the Party was able to correct its mistakes."

What Hu did was to credit Mao and his generation with

1) "Transition from a feudal autocracy that was several thousand years old to a people's democracy."

2)The transition from New Democracy to socialism, therefore creating a socialist society for a quarter of the world's population.

The second generation of Deng XiaoPing is credited with "starting the great march toward reform and opening up, sounding the bugle of the times for building socialism with Chinese characteristics." This was the privatization of agriculture that created surpluses and investment capital as well as encouraging foreign investments.

Deng has effectively eclipsed Mao as the most important thinker in the Chinese Communist pantheon.

If Mao is included, it is because the party is still afraid to completely jettison one of its trademarks, but Deng objectively is responsible for China's economic and military advancement to the rank of a great power.

T the third segment of the Chinese Communist pantheon is more of a surprise. There was a great deal of press speculation over the fact that Hu's predecessor as party general secretary and China's president, the 84-year-old Jiang Ze Min, was absent from the festivities.

While he is reported to be ill, in communist politics, illnesses are frequently political and therefore one interpretation that arose was that he had lost his political clout. This is an important development as next year the party undergoes a wholesale leadership change.

Yet here was Hu, 10 years after Jiang's departure from power  praising him effusively  for

"Steadfastly carrying out reform and opening up, advancing with the times, guiding reform and opening up to move in the right direction, and successfully ushering the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century.

Jiang Ze Min's "Three Represents" elevated him to the pantheon of all time party greats with Mao and Deng. This concept was first introduced by Jiang in the year 2000. According to this slogan, the Chinese Communist Party now represented the advanced productive forces (party jargon for the urban middle class of businessmen, professionals, and high-tech personnel).

This meant that the Communist Party, that originally started out ideologically as the party of the workers, could accept into its ranks millionaire capitalists and absorb the personnel leading China's economic breakthrough.

The justification for this policy is the view that these capitalists were originally workers, peasants and intellectuals who when they went into private business did not forfeit these traits. They continued to think of the proletariat (in their mansions and Maseratis) and therefore  were still members of the working class and finally

"Like a big furnace, the party can melt out all sorts of non-proletarian ideas and unify its whole thinking on Marxist theory and the party's program and line."

In other words, there is no danger in accepting the newly rich.

While Hu has tried to moderate the approach of rewarding the successful with an approach emphasizing social harmony, the persistence of Jiang's thinking shows that the Chinese Communist Party will have a hard time turning back.

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8. Hamas Hints at More Kidnappings to Force Shalit Deal
by Elad Benari Hamas Hints at More Kidnappings

The Hamas-run Al-Risala newspaper reported on its website on Sunday that Palestinian Authority-based terrorist groups may carry out another operation like the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

Abu Ataya, a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees, one of the three terrorist organizations which joined together to kidnap Shalit in June 2006, was quoted by the newspaper as saying the PA terror organizations have the ability to carry out a similar operation if they wish.

“Shalit’s kidnapping was not the first nor will it be the last,” he said. “We will return the ball to our court when and where it will be appropriate, and in a way which will surprise everyone and especially the occupation.”

Meanwhile, a PA Arab commentator who is considered an expert on Israel, Hatem Abu Zaida, told Al-Risala that he believes the terror organizations will try to kidnap Israeli soldiers using other methods which Israel does not expect. He added that Israel would in the end be forced accept the terms of the kidnappers and release terrorist prisoners.

Abu Obeida, a spokesman for Hamas’ military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, refused to directly address his organization’s future course of action regarding the kidnapping of soldiers, noting that “we will not provide the enemy with free information.”

At the conclusion of the article, its author expressed hope that there will soon be another kidnapping of soldiers.

The article comes after last week, an official with the Palestinian Authority defended Hamas, saying it was not Hamas terrorists who kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

The PA’s representative in Belgium, Leila Shahid, said during a joint meeting with Israeli representatives that it was a terror organization other than Hamas who kidnapped Shalit and transferred him to Hamas.

Shalit, meanwhile, continues to be held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza and has not been allowed visits by the International Red Cross for the entire five years which have passed since his kidnapping. The organization recently called on Hamas to prove that Shalit is still alive.

Earlier on Sunday, parents who have lost children to terrorist attacks called for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to release the names of terrorists that Israel would agree to release in exchange for Gilad Shalit.

The demands were made following reports that Netanyahu has agreed to a proposal by a German mediator regarding Shalit’s release.

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Bedouins Break Jew’s Leg at Eastern Outpost

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In-Depth Issues:

Iran Funnels New Weapons to Iraq and Afghanistan - Jay Solomon (Wall Street Journal)
    Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has transferred rocket-assisted exploding projectiles to its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan in recent months, according to senior U.S. officials, in a bid to accelerate the U.S. withdrawals from these countries.
    Over the past six months, Kata'ib Hizbullah has employed IRAMs (improvised rocket-assisted munitions), propane tanks packed with hundreds of pounds of explosives and powered by rockets launched from flatbed trucks.
    Iran has also given long-range rockets to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
    U.S. defense officials are also increasingly concerned that Iran's stepped-up military activities in the Persian Gulf could inadvertently trigger a clash, after a number of near misses involving Iranian and allied ships and planes in recent months.
    See also Al-Manar (Hizbullah) TV Reports Attacks on U.S. Forces in Iraq by Hizbullah-Iraq (MEMRI)

Court Documents Cement Flotilla Organizer's Connections to Terror (Israel Defense Forces)
    On June 30, the Dutch daily newspaper De Telegraaf cited Amin Abou Rashed as the "brain" behind the latest flotilla.
    During the 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation, banned by the U.S. and EU for providing direct financial and material support to Hamas, a letter was shown written by Abou Rashed to Akram Mishaal, a director of the Holy Land Foundation and a cousin of Hamas leader Khalid Mashaal.
    In it Abou Rashed lists the names, addresses, and bank numbers of "charitable organizations working for Palestine in Europe," which were also later declared by the U.S. to be supporters of terrorist organizations, specifically Hamas, and consequently their assets were frozen.
    Abou Rashed's position as leader of the current flotilla to Gaza raises deeper questions regarding the intentions of the flotilla organizers and their connections to Hamas.

Gaddafi Threatens Attacks in Europe - Adam Schreck (AP)
    A defiant Moammar Gaddafi threatened Friday to carry out attacks in Europe against "homes, offices, families," unless NATO halts its campaign of airstrikes against his regime in Libya.
    "If we decide to, we are able to move to Europe like locusts, like bees. We advise you to retreat before you are dealt a disaster."

Weizmann Institute Rated Best Academic Workplace Outside U.S. - Judy Siegel Itzkovitch (Jerusalem Post)
    Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot has again been named in The Scientist magazine's annual survey as the "best place to work in academia" outside the U.S.

Useful Reference:

Photographs of the Holy Land - Lenny Ben-David (U.S. Library of Congress)
    Digitalized photographs of the Holy Land, many over 100 years old, from the Library of Congress.

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News Resources - North America, Europe, and Asia:
  • Greece Puts Halt to Gaza Flotilla in a Win for Israel - Dan Murphy
    A boat carrying 50 U.S. activists seeking to join a flotilla of protesters against Israel's blockade of Gaza was turned back by Greek commandos about 30 miles out of Athens on Friday, in a major blow to the group. Earlier Friday, the Greek government announced a ban on all boat traffic from Greece to Gaza.
        Israeli officials maintain that the flotilla amounts to aiding terrorism since Gaza is run by Hamas, which is designated a terrorist group by the U.S., Israel, and the EU. For now, this year's effort is looking likely to peter out, though a few ships originating in countries other than Greece may still make the trip. (Christian Science Monitor)
        See also Greece Offers to Transfer Aid from Detained Flotilla to Gaza (Bloomberg-San Francisco Chronicle)
        See also Turkish Authorities Say No Sabotage to Irish Ship to Gaza - Sevil Kucukkosum
    The Irish boat planning to participate in this year's Gaza-bound aid flotilla was damaged before it entered Turkish waters, according to Turkish authorities who investigated claims that the ship had been sabotaged while in port in Gocek. According to initial findings of the inspection, the breakdown of the ship might not be a result of sabotage, a Turkish diplomat told Hurriyet on Friday. (Hurriyet-Turkey)
        See also Middle East Quartet Discourages More Gaza Flotillas
    The Middle East Quartet (U.S., UN, EU and Russia) released a statement in New York Saturday saying: "The Quartet recognizes that Israel has legitimate security concerns that must continue to be safeguarded. Members of the Quartet are committed to working with Israel, Egypt and the international community to prevent the illicit trafficking of arms and ammunition into Gaza."
        "The Quartet strongly urges all those wishing to deliver goods to the people of Gaza to do so through established channels so that their cargo can be inspected and transferred via established land crossings. The Quartet...calls on all governments concerned to use their influence to discourage additional flotillas."  (U.S. State Department)
        See also Organizers: Gaza Flotilla Era May Be Over - Mya Guarnieri
    A Greek decision to block ships from sailing to Gaza has prompted some organizers to rethink the flotilla movement that challenged Israel's blockade. Flotilla organizers said that this year's embattled effort to sail to Gaza likely spelled the end of the Freedom Flotilla movement. The act of sailing to Gaza is "a tactic," one of them said. "Maybe it's run its course."  (Maan News-PA)
  • Syrian Regime Rattled by Huge Protests - Diaa Hadid
    An estimated 300,000 people gathered to denounce President Bashar Assad in the city of Hama on Friday. Assad on Saturday dismissed the Hama governor, Ahmed Abdul-Aziz. Bassam Jaara, a Syrian opposition writer based in London, believes Abdul-Aziz was fired for not calling in security forces to deal harshly with demonstrators.
        Syrian forces have pursued a patchwork approach to the crackdown recently, leaving some areas to demonstrate freely while harshly attacking in other places. The tactic suggests that Assad's forces are under growing strain as they confront multiple protest hotbeds. (AP)
        See also Syrian Forces Surround Rebellious City of Hama - Roula Hajjar
    Syrian tanks and troops surrounded the rebellious city of Hama on Sunday, apparently poised for an assault. Assad's regime had deployed as many as 100 tanks around the city of 700,000, establishing checkpoints and blocking roads. "Tanks have closed off the main entrances to the city and phone networks have been cut," said one resident who managed to leave Sunday. In the last few months Syrian authorities have often cut phone lines to areas before full-blown offensives. Security forces also opened fire on protesters Sunday in the Hajar Aswad district of Damascus, killing two people and injuring dozens. (Los Angeles Times)
  • Hizbullah Leader Vows Not to Surrender Hariri Assassination Suspects - Bassem Mroue
    Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah vowed Saturday never to turn over four members of his Shiite militant group who have been indicted in the 2005 murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, saying that "even in 300 years" authorities will not be able to touch them. (AP)
News Resources - Israel and the Mideast:
  • Saboteurs Blow Up Egyptian Gas Pipeline to Israel Again - Avi Bar-Eli
    Saboteurs blew up a pipeline carrying gas from Egypt to Israel and Jordan on Monday, forcing a shutdown in the flow of gas, Egyptian security sources said. It was the third attack since February. (Ha'aretz)
  • Israel Satisfied with Flotilla Delays - Omri Efraim
    Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday expressed satisfaction with efforts to stop the Gaza-bound flotilla. "The governments of Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey are working to curtail this thing....It's obvious to all that Gaza is ultimately open to all civilian goods and it is also obvious that the flotilla is a provocation which elements such as Hamas are exploiting," Barak said. "I think it's possible that the outcome will take the sting out of this flotilla. But of course we must still prepare for the possibility that some ships will come."  (Ynet News)
  • Israel to Hand Over Bodies of 84 Palestinian Terrorists to PA - Elior Levy
    Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh said Monday that the Palestinian Authority had agreed with Israel that 84 bodies of Palestinians who were involved in terrorist activity against the Jewish state since 1967 will be handed over to the PA. (Ynet News)
Global Commentary and Think-Tank Analysis (Best of U.S., UK, and Israel):
  • International Law and the Flotilla II - Robert P. Barnidge Jr.
    In the coming days, a flotilla of pro-Palestinian activists is set to break Israel's naval blockade of Gaza in what many see as a publicity stunt wrapped in a humanitarian veneer. Whatever the motives of the flotilla, international law permits Israel to respond rather robustly, just as the Israel Defense Forces ended up having to do when it confronted the chaos of the Mavi Marmara flotilla in May 2010. From an international law perspective, Israel is in an armed conflict with Hamas, the de facto governing authority of Gaza. Hamas has fired thousands of rockets into southern Israel in recent years as part of its concerted plan, to quote from its 1988 covenant, "to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine."
        If the upcoming flotilla attempts to break the naval blockade and ignores radio warnings and refuses to stop its journey, the IDF should exercise maximum restraint. At the same time, however, Israel should be careful not to make the same naive assumptions about the flotilla's passengers that it made in 2010, namely that all of the passengers aboard the Mavi Marmara were committed practitioners of nonviolent civil disobedience along the lines of Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. This would be both folly and a dereliction of its rights under international law. The writer is a lecturer at the School of Law at the University of Reading in England. (Chicago Tribune)
  • The Flotilla Is Already Behind Us - Shlomo Cesana
    A few months back, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went to dinner at Moscow's Pushkin Restaurant where, at the next table, by chance, sat Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou. He turned to Netanyahu and said, "My country is in trouble. Our economic crisis is not improving, to put it lightly. Your reputation as finance minister precedes you. I would appreciate it if you could offer some suggestions." Since that night, the friendship between the two leaders has blossomed.
        On the diplomatic level, the flotilla is already behind us. Through diplomacy, this flotilla was stopped before its ships ever raised anchor. Condemnation of the flotilla and calls not to participate were heard from leaders around the world: the UN, the U.S. government, important European countries, Canada and Australia. Some governments, like Turkey's, would not even allow the flotilla to leave their territory, while Greece collected ships in its ports. It turns out that Greece preempted the IDF on Saturday. We were also witness to a series of mysterious mishaps. But it was Greek commandos who stopped the flotilla, in the name of protecting their country's vital interests. (Israel Hayom)
  • How the Syrian Regime Is Ensuring Its Demise - Peter Harling and Robert Malley
    Desperate to survive at all costs, Bashar al-Assad's regime instead appears intent on digging its own grave. It didn't have to be this way. The protest movement is strong and getting stronger but has yet to reach critical mass. Many Syrians dread the prospect of chaos and their nation's fragmentation. But the regime is behaving like its own worst enemy, cutting itself off from key pillars of support: its social base among the poor, Syria's silent majority and possibly even its security forces. Peter Harling is the International Crisis Group's project director for Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Robert Malley is program director of the ICG's Middle East and North Africa program. (Washington Post)
Observations: Hizbullah: A Contract Killer - Yoram Schweitzer and Gilad Stern (Jerusalem Post)
  • Now that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon's final conclusions prove publicly that Hizbullah is culpable for former prime minister Hariri's assassination, Hizbullah leader Nasrallah is bound to receive a mark of Cain for undermining Lebanese national interests.
  • Anyone knowledgeable about Hizbullah's relationship with Syria and Iran could affirm that the leadership of both would not only have been well informed about the assassination, but also would have approved it.
  • Such a grand-scale operation, targeting a political leader with international prestige, could not have occurred without prior intense dialogue between Hizbullah and its patrons: an operational approval from the highest-ranking officials in Assad's regime, along with the explicit consent of Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei.
  • Furthermore, there should be no doubt that Nasrallah himself approved the operation, and that his military commander, Imad Mughniyeh (killed a year later in Damascus), planned and personally supervised the execution.

    Yoram Schweitzer is director of the Low-Intensity Conflict and Terror Project at the Institute for National Security Studies-Tel Aviv University. Gilad Stern is an intern at the INSS.
    See also Why Hizbullah Had a Really Bad Week - David Schenker (New Republic)
  • The formal announcement of the indictments will likely serve as an exclamation point to a longer process of depreciation in Hizbullah's reputation that started in 2008, when the organization invaded and occupied Beirut, turning the weapons of "the resistance" on the Lebanese people.
  • That depreciation continued through 2009, when the organization's chief financier was arrested in a Bernie Madoff-like Ponzi scheme. More recently, Hizbullah has emerged as the strongest regional backer of Syria's murderous Assad regime. Nasrallah himself has now given two speeches vouching for Assad's pro-reform bona fides.
  • For an organization that has long described itself as "the Resistance" to Israel, the revelation that Hizbullah also specializes in killing Sunni Muslims will be problematic. Few in the largely Sunni Muslim Middle East will question the court's accusation that the militia played a central role in the murder of Hariri, the leader of Lebanon's Sunni community.
  • Hizbullah will remain firmly in control of Lebanon, both politically and militarily. But the organization's stature in the wider Muslim world will be irrevocably diminished and its change in status will likewise further undermine the position of Iran and Syria in the region.

    The writer is director of the Program on Arab Politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

Messages In This Digest (13 Messages)

'Strauss Kahn mi stuprò nel 2003, processatelo'

L'ex direttore Fmi la denuncia per calunnia

'Strauss Kahn mi stuprò nel 2003, processatelo' L'ex direttore Fmi la denuncia per calunniaLa giornalista francese Tristane Banon (FOTO) ha annunciato azione legale. E i legali dell'esponente socialista hanno immediatamente risposto. L'ex numero uno del Fondo monetario è al centro di una controversa vicenda a New York

Un gruppo di ricercatori sta lavorando a un prototipo di cella solare stampabile con tecnologia inkjet. Per ora il rendimento è basso, ma le potenzialità sono interessanti
È stato presentato nello scorso week-end il nuovo impianto fotovoltaico costruito al circuito del Mugello, teatro di numerose gara su auto e moto di prestigio internazionale
Milano dovrebbe soccorrere Napoli nella difficile emergenza rifiuti che sta attanagliando il capoluogo campano. L'amministrazione Pisapia al lavoro, nonostante le resistenze della Lega
La proposta leghista di tagli alle rinnovabili, inizialmente scartata, è stata definitivamente inclusa nella versione finale del provvedimento
Uno studio rivela una crescente attenzione dei piccoli centri urbani nei confronti delle tematiche ambientali. Il maggior numero di impianti è ancora localizzato al Nord
Un banchetto a base di carne d'orso organizzato dalla Lega Nord ha scatenato una nuova polemica all'interno della maggioranza, con reazioni sdegnate anche degli animalisti
La rottura di una conduttura ExxonMobil ha provocato la fuoriuscita di almeno 1000 barili di petrolio nel fiume Yellowstone
Lo scontro di ieri fra No TAV e polizia dimostra ineludibilmente come si stiano confrontando due modi diversi di vivere la democrazia 

DC-puppeteerCriticize Israel and Lose Your Career
American freelance journalist and researcher Alison Weir is the founder and executive director of "If Americans Knew."
declaration_of_independenceRobert Rosebrock
Remembering the Forgotten on Independence Day
The famous Minuteman statue based on Isaac DavisBob Johnson
Were America's Founders Altruistic Patriots?
euro moneyJeff Gates
Crisis by Consensus
trampling-founding-ideals 2Veterans Today
A July Fourth Shame on the Founders
free GazaStephen Lendman
Israeli Freedom Flotilla II Terrorism
patriotismEileen Fleming
Failures of Intelligence
IslamophobiaPaul J. Balles
Islamophobia on the rise in USA
veterans rallyJere Beery
Live Broadcast from Houston National Cemetery as Veterans Rally for God
KGOTim King
Truth from Mainstream Media is a Welcome and refreshing thing to see
MiniMeGaddafiVeterans Today
Muammar Gaddafi and Cynthia Mckinney: Bff's 4eva!
Economy Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World ZPicks
Veterans Today
Cynthia McKinney: Gaddafi's Useful Idiot
While Muammar Gaddafi grows ever more desperate as he loses key military support, former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) is shamelessly serving as a propagandist for the Libyan tyrant's regime. »»
israeli police
Gilad Atzmon
Killing Goyim and Beyond
It is obvious that the Jewish state seems to be pretty confused by the notion of Jewishness. As much as it yearns to celebrate an imaginary phantasmic notion of Jewish heritage, it invests a lot of effort to conceal the real meaning of what Jewish heritage is in reality. »»
Independence Day for Whom?
The celebration of the Nation's birthday sometimes gets people confused. This day is much more than another holiday from work. »»
the american patriot
Allen L Roland
Put Away The Flags / There Is Nothing Natural About War
The so called "War on Terror" is rationalized economic rape with Iraq and Afghanistan as the prime examples. »»
Eileen Fleming
It's Always About The Money So On With This REVOLUTION!
As the August 2nd deadline fast approaches to raise the government-borrowing limit, President Obama called on Congress two days before this Independence Day to make a deal and announced, "Nothing can be off-limits. We've got to cut the deficit." »»
obama-nothing can be off-limits
Sami Jadallah
Libya Coverage: "Hypocrisy of the "Left"
The American or for that matter the Arab "left" must not be fooled by killers and murderers the likes of Mouamar Gaddafi and Bashar Assad, just like they were fooled by the likes of Saddam Hussein before. »»
Debbie Menon
The Audacity of Hope [UPDATING]
The US Government has never shown much interest in its citizen's welfare or safety when it has involved the slightest conflict of interest with some client despot or petty dictatorial puppet... »»
Nuclear Capable Medium Range Ballistic Missile, part of Gaddafi's secret stockpile of unknown weapons
Gordon Duff
Facts Coming in on Libya (updated)
The pointless presence of foreign correspondents in Tripoli is resented by many people including Tripoli volunteers on the frontline. »»
Stuart Littlewood
Feeding the Brave Flotilla to Israel's Slavering Attack-Dogs
Our oh-so-moral international community, always poking its democracy-loving nose into any trouble spot that might threaten western security (whatever that means) and always eager to mobilize its mighty weapons of war, is still reluctant to operate on the cancer it foolishly implanted into the Holy Land 63 years ago and which now menaces the world. »»
D Day Tripoli
Franklin Lamb
Countdown to Invasion
Tripoli's 3,200 neighborhoods, independently of the Libyan Armed Forces, are intensively preparing for the possibility that NATO forces or those they are seen as increasingly arming and directing, might invade the cosmopolitan greater Tripoli area during the coming weeks or months. »»

Information Clearing House Newsletter
News You Won't Find On CNN
July 04, 2011

"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace, business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob." Franklin Delano Roosevelt also known by his initials, FDR - 32nd President of the United States (1933-1945)
"Today television news is watched more often than people read newspapers, than people listen to the radio, than people read or gather any other form of communication. The reason: People are lazy. With television you just sit - watch - listen. The thinking is done for you." Roger Ailes (president of Fox News Channel) while working for the Nixon administration

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:   4,787
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,564
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
"The Audacity of Hope,"
A July Fourth Shame on the Founders
By Ray McGovern
The instructions, of course, come from a weak Greek government unable to stand on principle because of the economic damage that can be done to Greece by the U.S.-dominated IMF, the European Union and Israel, a major trading partner.
Some Killers Are More Equal Than Others
By Rami G. Khouri
This has been a bad week for killers in the Arab world. Continue


Syria: Man Films Himself Being Shot by Sniper
By Ian Black and Nidaa Hassan in Damascus
Video footage of 'activist and blogger' Diyya al-Najjar being shot in the head by "security forces" in Homs.


Ralph Nader Is Tired of Running for President
By Chris Hedges
We must follow the path Nader forged, attempting to sway enough people with conscience to sever themselves permanently and unequivocally from the mainstream and especially the Democratic Party.


Fourth of July Lies
By June Terpstra
This fourth of July article is a call to those people of the USA who can still think critically to stop merely talking about changing the US and hence, the world, and start doing it by creating resistance movements against the beliefs and practices that foster going into countries and homes to kill the people and take their resources.


A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News
Roger Ailes Planned Fox News While Working For Nixon.


The End of the American Dream?
3 Minute Video
The economic recession has ended for the rich and the powerful, but most Americans continue to suffer the consequences of an economic system that favors corporate profits over strengthening the foundation of our country.


The Fourth World War
4th World War - taken from a speech by Marcos calling the war against globalization the 4th World War - is a brief, documentary of radical resistance to global capitalism.


23 killed in fighting in south Yemen's Abyan:
"Al-Qaida" militants carried out offensive attacks at the military troops in Yemen's southern province of Abyan on Sunday, leaving 13 al-Qaida militants and 10 soldiers killed and dozens of others from both sides injured, local army officers told Xinhua.


Army forces loyal to Saleh shell southern towns near Taiz:
He said the towns were home to the armed tribesmen who have pledge to support protesters calling for overthrowing of Saleh's regime.


Ten killed, 28 wounded in Iraq attacks:
Bomb and gun attacks across Iraq on Monday killed at least 10 people and wounded 28, many of them policemen and soldiers, security officials said.


Iraqi legislators want U.S. troops out:
"The legislators have signed 100 signatures, calling on the government to demand the departure of the U.S. occupation forces, in compliance with the security agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington," Uday Awad of the al-Ahrar (Liberals) Bloc told the Aswat al-Iraq news agency Monday.

Syrian forces kill two, aim to retake Hama
"Two demonstrators were killed and eight wounded on Sunday night as security forces opened fire to disperse a protest in Hajar Aswad," a community in Damascus province, said Rami Abdel Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.


Taliban 'kidnap and execute British soldier':
The Taliban today scored a huge propaganda victory after allegedly kidnapping a British soldier as David Cameron flew into Afghanistan for a high-profile visit.


Gaddafi's son says western powers attacking Libya are 'legitimate targets':
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi rejects calls for his father to step down telling French TV 'we will never surrender, we will fight'


Catholic Bishop in Libya has criticized the NATO campaign, calling it immoral and ineffective.
 'Kadafi is a Bedouin: You can't change his mind by bombing him,' the bishop says.,0,287540.story


Libyan rebels hire Washington's No. 1 lobby firm for 'advice and assistance':
Other than formal recognition, the Transitional National Council also wants access to the frozen funds from Gadhafi's regime that are being held by the United States.


Millions endure drought in Somalia:
The Horn of Africa nation faces a humanitarian disaster amid the driest conditions in decades, the UN warns.


Greece sell soul to Israel:
Greek coast guard seizes Canadian ship bound for Gaza:
Canadian ship 'Tahrir' tries to set sail for Gaza after Greek authorities had banned the departure of all ships to Gaza from its ports; all passengers due to be detained once returning to Greek port.


 Israel and Greece forge closer ties :
It is a relationship based on mutual need. In its financial meltdown Greece has been urgently searching for new markets, and a different source of its economic lifeblood - tourism.


Israel, Greece mark growing ties with joint air force drill:
Greek and Israeli air forces hold two-week-long drill as the two countries' ties tighten following Greek government's attempt to halt the Gaza-bound flotilla from departing.


Greek rescue package will mean a default, warns S&P:
Efforts to resolve the Greek debt crisis were dealt a blow on Monday when rating agency Standard & Poor's ruled that Europe's favoured rescue plan is in effect a default.


Will militant unions derail big fat Greek sell-offs on the rocky route to recovery?:
Having voted its austerity programme through parliament in the face of mass protests, Greece will struggle to deliver on its pledges to cut costs and sell state assets worth billions.


Hugo Chavez returns to Venezuela after surgery in Cuba:
Some Chavez supporters in Caracas appeared on the streets cheering and singing as news of the president's unexpected return filtered out.


Noam Chomsky denounces old friend Hugo Chávez for 'assault' on democracy:
Renowned American intellectual accuses the Venezuelan leader of concentrating too much power in his own hands


Chomsky says The Guardian is "dishonest" and "deceptive" :
 Noam Chomsky on Venezuela - the transcript - The Guardian publishes a transcript of its interview with Noam Chomsky about Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and the Afiuni affair.


Canadian Aid Convoy to Cuba Refused Entry, Washington Border Crossing:
Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia participants in the annual caravan taking goods to Cuba via the United States and Mexico has been refused entry at the U.S. border crossing at Blaine, Washington.


CEO pay in US soared 23 percent in 2010:
While US unemployment remains at near-Depression levels and health care, pensions and education are being slashed by all levels of the government, the pay of corporate CEOs is soaring.
"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley

ore 11:08

L'ex generale serbo bosniaco accusato dei massacri nella guerra della ex Jugoslavia fa il suo ingresso, a sorpresa, con il cappello da soldato in testa. Sceglie di non dichiararsi né colpevole né non colpevole e il giudice lo fa allontanare.Guarda il video

ore 14:03

Si alza nuovamente la tensione tra il Vaticano e il governo cinese. Paolo Lei Shiyin è stato ordinato vescovo senza mandato pontificio e quindi illegittimamente. La Santa Sede lo scomunica e attacca: "Questa ordinazione crea divisione e tensioni"
ore 17:55

Tristane Banon, giornalista e scrittrice 32enne, aveva già raccontato dell'aggressione subita in un'intervista in tv. Ma il nome del politico era stato oscurato da un "bip". Poi, dopo l'arresto di Strauss-Khan a New York, la Banon è uscita allo scoperto. Lui la denuncia per calunnia

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Le gouvernement britannique va revoir son projet de réforme des garde-côtes
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Une commande de deux méthaniers à Daewoo
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Un tanker en détresse au large d'Oman
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Libye : 289 sorties et une centaine d'objectifs détruits en une semaine
Le dispositif militaire français a engagé en Libye dans le cadre de l'opération Harmattan/Unified Protector a connu du 23 au 30 juin sa plus forte activité hebdomadaire depuis le début des frappes, le 19 mars dernier. Le...

La Railleuse retrouve l'Atlantique
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US Navy : La construction du premier MLP débute
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